We all love to travel and discover new places and cultures. But let's be honest, sometimes money holds us back. That is why we want to share some ideas with you on how to travel on a small budget & save some money while traveling. Exploring the world doesn't have to be expensive, you just have to be creative and find the right way to do it. In this article you will find 10 hacks to help you discover the world - the cheap way.
Plan your trip ahead
When thinking about your trip, don't rush into anything (it might be tempting) but take your time to do some research about the destination. Get some information about the country, the culture, customs, food, visa requirements, currency etc. Plan ahead for the places you want to visit and the amount of time you will spend on them and do some research about the average cost of food, accommodation, transportation and other basic expenses. Planning your trip properly may take you some time, but its really important if you are traveling on a budget.
Travel off-season
Going on your trip during peak season can be really expensive, so if you want to save some money, plan your trip during off-peak season. Be aware of the seasonality of your destination (peak and off peak seasons are usually different depending on the countries).
During off-peak seasons, airlines and hotels lower their prices to attract more travelers, so you can save some money. In addition, there are less tourists and you can enjoy a lot of activities without a crowd and with cheaper prices.
Choose your airline and route wisely
Flights are usually one of the most expensive parts of a trip, therefore you have to be really clever selecting the airline for your journey. Budget airlines can save you some money if you avoid additional charges (seat reservation, bag fee...). Again; do some research on local, low cost airlines to the destination you are planning to visit.
Pro tip: Check different airports and route options, usually direct flights from and to main cities are really expensive. You can save some money on flights to other, closer airports, or routes that include stops (you would have to sacrifice a little comfort, but worth it for a cheaper flight, right?!).
Take public transportation (or walk more)
Try to avoid taxis or uber services. Instead, take public transport like buses, metros, or trains. It would save you some money + it will give you a more authentic experience traveling with the locals. Other options: rent a bike or enjoy walking around the city. You will be impressed how much you can discover just walking around and getting lost in the streets. Walking by local shops and people will give you the most unique and culturally immersive experience.
Earn money while traveling
Nowadays, there are a lot of opportunities to earn money while traveling the world. You can get mini jobs while traveling, helping in hostels, bars, restaurants, baby sitting, and others. Another possibility is to work as a freelancer; All you need is a laptop and internet connection, writing blogs, designing pictures, giving language classes online, consultancy services etc... There are also new possibilities in the market like shared platforms for traveling, www.joinmytrip.com is one of them. Here the users can plan and share their trips and get money for letting other travelers join them. Conclusion: now money can't be an excuse to stop traveling.

Eat local food
For a budget trip, and actually for all of your trips, we advise you to try to eat what the locals eat. Avoid overpriced restaurants for tourists, usually they are really expensive and not always traditional.
Instead, go to local spots serving fresh meals, or try the street food (its often the best and the most authentic food you will find on your travels). And if you want to save even more money, cook your own food and make some snacks to go.
Pro tip: Don't ask locals for recommendations. Instead, ask them where THEY go for lunch.
Look for the best accomodation options
Accommodation can often be one of the biggest expense while traveling, but there are some ways you can find some cheap options. Hostels are usually one of the most wallet friendly accommodations for all kinds of travelers. They offer beds in shared rooms or private rooms, plus many of them offer free breakfast too. It is the ideal option if you want to get in contact with other backpacking travelers. But if you want to go for a more traditional and personal option, take a look at different hotel platforms like agoda.com, booking.com, airbnb, etc...
Take advantage of free or cheap activitites
There are always free activities to do in any city. Here are some ideas:
-Take a free walking tour around the city
-Explore local markets
-Rent a bike and explore the city
-Have a picnic at a park or nice location
-Talk with locals, get to know them and their culture
-Go to free entry rooftop bars to get a beautiful view of the city
-Go hiking in and around different areas
-Look for a nearby beach (if possible), go and relax

Most important: treasure experiences instead of material things! The memories and experiences is what will last forever.

Be flexibel
When traveling on a budget, this in one of the ideas that you would need to keep in mind at all times! While traveling, it is possible that things are not going to work the way you planned them. A lot of things can happen, and you should be ready for them. Maybe you are going to face situations where you would need to spend more money than planned; changing flights, accommodation, transportation... but when these situations arise, you have to keep flexibel and adjust yourself and your plans according to the situation. Stay open minded, life surprises you with new experiences all the time.
Share economy platforms
Using shared economy options while traveling can save you a lot of money. You can find cheaper options for accommodation, transportation, meals, activities and in general for traveling. Some ideas: for transportation use bla bla car, or any car sharing services. For accommodation, have a look at AirBnB. For food and different activities; getyourguide and eatwith are some good options. If you want to share the total cost of a trip, have a look at joinmytrip, a platform where users can post or join trips created by other users; and they can share all the costs!
As you can see, money is not an excuse anymore to not go and have amazing experiences in unique places! Now its your turn to take the next step! Don't overthink, go and discover the world, and dare to live!
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