with JoinMyTrip
Plan, travel and earn money with JoinMyTrip!
Dreaming of your next trip?
Organize and plan your next trip, publish it on our platform, find committed travel buddies and receive 100€.
The giveaway ends on April 30th 2020 (23:59)
Easy to participate

Join our travelers community for free
Plan your trip

Organize and share your next trip in our platform
Confirm TripMates

Confirm at least 2 TripMates to join your trip
Get paid!

Receive 100€ travel budget from JoinMyTrip
How JoinMyTrip works
  • 1. Plan & Organize
    Organize your trip and calculate the cost per TripMate (accommodation, transportation and other activities). Offer your trip to our community of like-minded travelers.
  • 2. Chat & Confirm
    Interested TripMates request to join, you chat and get to know them. Choose the ones you like and request a payment of 20% for the total trip cost. Use this money to cover organisation and reservation expenses. Set a due date to receive the remaining 80%, 2-6 weeks before departure.
  • 3. Travel & Meet
    Travel hassle-free with committed TripMates. Explore the world together, share your experiences and create new memories.
  • Your trip has a description, a title image, a stop description and pictures for the stops
  • Your trip's duration is between 5 and 28 days and has at least two stops
  • You confirm at least two TripMates to join your adventure
  • Your trip costs are at least 200€(accommodation and transportation has to be included in the trip price)
Check if your trip meets the criteria
Why should I offer a trip?
Committed TripMates

With JoinMyTrip you have control over the travel itinerary and who's traveling with you. TripMates confirm their spot by paying 20% of the trip cost up front.

Secure Payment & Trust

By using JoinMyTrip's secure payment, you will never have to worry about receiving the trip cost from your TripMates. Verify your profile with your ID
We've got your back!

Our team will support you before, on and after your trip! We have 24/7 customer support that is going to help you and your TripMates if needed.
We are a trustworthy community of 125,000+ passionate travellers
125,000+ passionate travellers