Make Money while travelling the World
Start changing lives today - trip by trip!
ProTripLeader Application Process
Apply & Receive Feedback
To apply, please fill out the form on this application page. Once you submit your application, we'll review your profile and get back to you within 3 days. If selected, you'll receive access to the JoinMyTrip Academy.

This multi-session educational course is designed for aspiring TripLeaders on JoinMyTrip to learn how to create, plan, and execute amazing trips via the platform. The course has been carefully crafted by experts who have executed numerous trips across the globe.
Finish TripLeader Academy
You'll have 5 days to complete the academy and the final quiz. If you score above 80% on the quiz, you'll be eligible to become a ProTripLeader! Upon completion, you'll receive exclusive access to our tips and insights.

These unique tools provide an overview of the most popular travel destinations for the next month, ideal trip pricing, duration of your trip and much more. All of this is extremely helpful when creating your first trip.
Set up your Trip
To complete the application process, you only need to set up your dream trip. Your CoTripLeader will support you with this, if needed. Please note that your first trip should be published as soon as possible after passing the academy.

You'll also receive access to our ProTripLeader Tool, which offers a wide variety of additional places where you can find like-minded TripMates.
What is JoinMyTrip about
JoinMyTrip is an online platform that allows you to create and organize amazing trips for a group of travelers from all over the world. As a ProTripLeader, you can share your passion for travel, meet new people, and create unforgettable experiences for yourself and others - all while earning good money.

With JoinMyTrip, you have the freedom to design your own itinerary, set your own dates and budget, and choose your preferred destinations. You can also connect with potential travelers before the trip to ensure everyone is on the same page and share travel tips and recommendations.

Join the JoinMyTrip community of passionate travelers today and start planning your next adventure as a ProTripLeader!
Exclusive Benefits as ProTripLeader
Being a ProTripLeader with us means you enjoy quite some exclusive benefits from us that other TripLeaders don't
ProTripLeaders get special promotions for their trips: Instagram, Facebook, Meetups Groups, Email Newsletter, or a feature on the JoinMyTrip homepage.

ProTripLeaders get priority access to the JoinMyTrip platform to showcase their trips. While building the platform over the last 6 years, ProTripLeaders had a significant say in the features to be implemented.
ProTripLeaders have a personal CoTripLeader that helps with setting up the trip, calculating trip costs, finding the right TripMates, or any other questions that might arise.

ProTripLeaders are applicable to priority support at all times. ProTripLeaders get permanent access to our TripLeader Academy, the ProTripLeader tool, and weekly demand analysis for top destinations.
No Cost
All international payments are handled for free with Stripe as a secure, fast, and trusted provider (the service provided by Stripe accounts for 3% of the 10% platform fee).

JoinMyTrip offers a free settlement and mediation service when there is a dispute between ProTripLeaders and TripMates.
This could be you...
What ProTripLeaders say
  • Serena Palladino
    JoinMyTrip arrived in my life with perfect timing - I had just quit my 9 to 5 Job and was looking for something flexible that would allow me to travel. I really enjoy the planning phase of outlining/drafting an itinerary and creating the perfect trip with my laptop in a coffee shop anywhere in the world. And, being able to show around Piedmont, my beautiful underrated Italian region
  • Carina Dengscherz
    I love meeting people from all over the world and with some of them, I am still in contact and can happily call friends now. I also love interesting conversations. You get to know people and their culture quite well, which is super exciting for me. Lastly, I enjoy being in nature and showing other people non-touristic sides. For me, that is the best way to travel and see a place in an authentic way.
  • Katharina Christalon
    I love the trip planning part, researching and negotiating group prices, and its the best feeling if I see my TripMates having a great time. Some people told me they had the best trip in their whole life with me! That makes me really happy - JMT is changing lifes for sure.
Frequently Asked Questions