Find your CoWorking Crew!
Work remotely from anywhere in the world with like-minded professionals at JoinMyTrip.
We are the world's biggest community of over 150,000+ trustworthy travelers
125.000+ reiselustigen Weltenbummlern
Why you should go on a CoWorking trip with JoinMyTrip!
Part of our
Be part of the fastest growing CoWorking community. Never work alone again.
Cultural Experience
Immerse yourself into a new culture - you will also get a true insight into how the locals live.
Freedom to Explore
Enjoy exploring the world non-stop! On a CoWorking trip you can easily
work while traveling.
Creativity & Productivity
Surround yourself with professionals who gives you a new and fresh perspective on your work
CoWorking Trips
When you can work from anywhere, why not from a sunny beach? Join other remote workers around the world, work during the day and explore during evenings & weekends!
Discover authentic France, Brittany - Coworking, Skydiving, & more

05 SEP 22 → 11 SEP 22

CoWorking retreat in Bali! ☀️ Hidden gems with a local (Stay in Seminyak & Ubud)

01 SEP 22 → 12 SEP 22

CoWorking on Malaga 🇪🇦🌴: Andalusia tour, Crystal Clear Water, and much more!

16 SEP 22 → 30 SEP 22


CYPRUS 2 Weeks
Co-living in Cyprus ☀️💻
Home Office in a Villa with Pool

13 NOV 22 → 26 NOV 22

How does it work?
  • Find & Choose
    Choose your dream trip from destinations around the world by trusted TripLeaders or create your own trip
  • Join & Chat
    Chat with the Trip Leader to learn more about the trip. Make a payment to save your spot

  • Travel & Work
    Explore the world while working with a small group of like-minded professionals.
Great CoWorking Tips
  • Like-Minded Professionals
    Surround yourself with like-minded professionals that can continuously inspire you and learn from one another.
  • Suitable Working Equipment
    Make sure you have all necessary working tools with you in order to be productive.
  • Room for Meetings & Calls
    Your TripLeader will provide you enough room and space for to take meetings or calls, this means each person has their own privacy and maximum concentration.
  • Feel Comfortable
    As this is your new office and home, it's important that you feel comfortable for the whole duration of your working day.
  • Living space
    Your new office, and also your new home!
    Keep in mind what you need for day-to-day living. For example, laundry or kitchen necessities.
  • Internet-Connection
    Our TripLeader are attentive in choosing a location with a strong internet-connection. This way you avoid having inconveniences throughout your working day.
"I work and travel quite regularly, but I have never done that with a group. When I joined my CoWorking trip with JoinMyTrip, I was completely surprised by how it changed my perspective. I was full of new ideas! I was able to surround myself with all kinds of professionals that continuously inspired and motivated me. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to get out of their normal environment and experience something truly unique."

Laura, CoWorking Trip: Madeira, Portugal.
A few of our popular TripLeaders
Our TripLeaders are working professionals & students who are experienced and passionate travelers.
  • Katharina Christalon
    Operations Assistant
    TripLeader since - 2018
    Organised- 19 trips
  • Anna Dung
    Business Development Manager
    TripLeader since - 2019
    Organised- 9 trips
  • Lisa Winter
    Digital Nomad
    TripLeader since - 2021
    Organised- 6 trips
  • Dewan Akhter
    Social Media Manager
    TripLeader since - 2021
    Organised- 6 trips