7 Covid Alternatives for The Most Popular Destinations

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Find the top alternatives for the most popular destinations! 

As you found out, some of the most popular destinations have been closed off to travelers, so where will you decide to travel to now? Travel to the covid alternatives for the most popular travel destinations! As long as you obey the safety regulations in place, you can still spend your holiday enjoying traveling to these countries that are currently open to travelers. Here you will find the top 7 covid alternatives to travelers’ most beloved destinations.


7. India ➡️ Mauritius 

Mauritius is a covid alternative with crystal blue waters and green mountains.

As we all know, India isn’t doing so great in regards to the coronavirus and is labeled as a high-risk area. However, Mauritius is the perfect covid alternative to India as it offers plenty of similarities. Mauritius is located in the Indian Ocean and is known as a lagoon and beach paradise among travelers. There are plenty of activities you can do here. The hiking opportunities are many and plenty of forests to explore, so you definitely won’t miss out on the Indian experience. 


6. South Korea ➡️ France 

A city view of france with the Eiffel tower in the distance.

South Korea is the epicenter of fashion and all things entertainment in Asia which makes France a great alternative for South Korea! France is one of the most stylish countries in the world, organizing the largest fashion shows every year and it sure knows how to entertain. Plus, we all know how great South Korean cuisine is, but french cuisine is also known worldwide for its unique taste and is full of deliciousness. 



5. Cuba ➡️ Croatia 

A view of Dubrovnik in Croatia by the waters and is a covid alternative for the most popular destination.

Cuba is located on the Caribbean sea and offers one of the most stunning beaches and coastlines, but so does Croatia. All hope is not yet lost. Croatia is one of the best countries to visit in Europe during the summers, I mean it has beautiful clear blue waters that cannot be ignored. The country offers over 1 000 islands you can explore, giving you a true french riverian feel. In addition, parts of Game of Thrones were actually filmed in Dubrovnik, Croatia as well! Here’s how you can explore Croatia the right way so, what’s stopping you from discovering this European gem?  



4. Indonesia ➡️ Malta 

The popeye village in Malta.

Obviously, Malta may not live up to the infamous Bali standards but it is a great covid alternative nevertheless. Not only are there cute wooden houses along the sea called the popeye village as can be seen in this picture, but it’s also full of historic sites such as fortresses and temples to give you and your possible travel mates a little history lesson. You can even find burial chambers dating back to 4000 B.C! Now, you probably won’t find any rice terraces here but the blue lagoon definitely makes up for it! Travel there and you will see it for yourself. 😉


3. Thailand ➡️ Spain 

a view of Barcelona city in Spain with an orange sunset.

Thailand is currently under strict lockdown due to a bad wave they are going through currently, but Spain is here to the rescue! Similar to Thailand, Spain has much to offer. You can have a city trip, a beach trip or even a nature trip. From the islands of Mallorca to the beautiful capital city of Madrid, just make your pick and don’t think too much. Thai cuisine is also quite amazing, but have you tried the Paellas and tapas? Probably one of the best, or maybe I’m just biased. Here’s how you can start planning your 2021 travels to Spain if you don’t know where to start. 



2. South Africa ➡️ Norway 

Norway is a covid alternative travel destination with fishing boats in the sea and wooden red houses.

Norway is currently in the safe zone making it the perfect covid alternative for South Africa, with high cliffs and landscapes to die for. We also have to admit, Norway is probably the most beautiful country in comparison to the rest of the Scandinavian countries. Sweden and Denmark simply do not compare. Norway may not be as warm as South Africa, but it definitely is as beautiful if not more. 



1. Costa Rica ➡️ Greece 

Greece covered in white buildings.

Costa Rica may be far fetched right now but Greece isn’t! Greece is the perfect travel destination for all kinds of travelers. An adventurers paradise, beach haven and party animals favorite all at once, pretty much sounds like Costa Rica if I do say so myself. Of course, we also can’t forget that said Greece provided the foundation to modern western culture! Come find out why it is the cradle of western civilization. Here you can also find the infamous Greek pillars which some are still standing till this day to admire their historical beauty. 



Here you have the top 7 covid alternatives for the most popular destinations, which one will you decide on traveling to next? Let us know in the comments!  

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