A Guide to JoinMyTrip’s Payment and Payout Method

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payment guide JoinMyTrip

What is JoinMyTrip’s TripLeader payment method, and how does it work? 

The best part about JoinMyTrip’s process for a TripLeader is to be paid without any frustration and confusion. So, in order to get paid for the expenses involved in leading a trip, one must have to set up a payout method. Imagine! You don’t have to have that awkward interaction with your TripMates to make sure your payments are sorted. The anticipation leading to a trip is the only vibe we need. Packing your bags and catching your flight on time is the only worry you should have. That’s why we are giving out this payment guide! 

JoinMyTrip payment method continues to form the core part of the platform. Without this, there will not be any trust, flexibility, and financial security between our TripLeaders and TripMates. So, check out this payment guide for a bigger picture of how it works! 

1. First thing first, what is a payment and payout method? 

For TripMates: Of course, you are so happy that you’re finally taking an amazing trip of a lifetime. So you want to ensure all your payments are sorted, and your wonderful TripLeader gets paid for the hard work.

For TripLeaders: The payout method is when TripLeaders receive their payment for a trip.

Go to your profile, and in the drop-down, select the payment and payout method. Then, all you have to do is start filling in the details or that which is missing and complete connecting your payment and payout method.  Finally, start planning where to travel next! As simple as that! 

A pro tip: It is crucial and essential to pay and communicate through JoinMyTrip. This is to make sure that our users are protected against our Terms and Conditions

STEP 1: 

how to do payment and payout guide joinmytrip

STEP 2: 

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2. Adding a payment and payout method

For a TripMate, adding your payment method at JoinMyTrip is pretty straightforward. However, it is up to the user to choose their individual payment method. Please consider all options before choosing the right payment method, whether through Credit Card, Visa, MasterCard, or Giropay. 

For a TripLeader, the next step would be to add your payment and payout method. Follow the instructions provided in each step. Refer to the screenshots below: 

Step 1: Add your personal information

payout method

Step 2: Provide your address details

payment method

 Step 3: Add all your payment details 

payment details
payment guide joinmytrip

Step 4: Upload your ID to be verified

payment guide joinmytrip

Step 5: Address Verification! The process is complete, and it was as simple as that! 

payment guide joinmytrip
payment guide joinmytrip

3. The big question – Why is connecting your payment and payout method important? 

At JoinMyTrip, we have a dedicated payment system that provides flexibility and financial security for our TripLeader and TripMates. So, it is crucial that you pay for all JoinMyTrip bookings via the system.  Moreover, part of our success is simplifying the payment transaction process between TripLeaders and TripMates. No longer does either party need to worry about getting the payment or how to facilitate those payments. Therefore, JoinMyTrip is here to make your life easy with our payment guide! 

In this payment guide, our payment method connection consists of 5 simple steps: 

  • TripLeader connects payment method
  • TripMate pay JoinMyTrip when they book a trip 
  • JoinMyTrip verifies payout
  • JoinMyTrip release payout to TripLeader 
  • TripLeader receives funds 

4. Getting paid – when will you get your payout? 

let's go with joinmytrip

JoinMyTrip releases 20% of the trip as a deposit from TripMates if the booking is more than 30 days before the trip’s departure. Then, we will release the remaining 80% 30 days before the departure date. 

You need to consider that your bank and payout method will determine how long it will take for your funds to arrive in your account. Furthermore, you can always check the status of your payout here. Also, please note that the banks do not process payments during weekends and other bank holidays. So, the processing will always take place during the next business day. If you have any questions regarding this payment guide process, you must contact your bank for further details. 

Feeling inspired? Then join JoinMyTrip now and discover Trips! Or simply plan your own trip and share your enthusiasm with other like-minded travelers! Discover these Trips and make your friends jealous…✈️