Madeira SPECIAL ADVENTURE w/ local guide : A One Of A Kind Hiking Adventure in Madeira: Explore the Island's Trails and Discover Hidden Paths Off the Beaten Track

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+++ WARNING +++ YOU like TOURISTIC stuff? PLEASE DO NOT READ ON !!!!! +++ For all those who are in the mood for 08/15 tourism and like to stroll through the capital and lie down on the beach... PLEASE DO NOT READ ON Madeira is an absolute paradise that we know inside out - or so we thought. And then we met João and Marcio, who have been living in Madeira for over 30 years now. We take alternative paths, off the beaten track and off the guidebook tours! These paths are hardly known to the general public. On Madeira you will find hiking trails steeped in history and old levadas (irrigation channels) that lead through the Madeiran jungle. You can find possible tours at the bottom of the stops. We have set out to take hiking in Madeira to a new level and take you to surreal, sometimes really rarely seen places in the interior of Madeira Island. All you need is a strong spirit of adventure and a desire to discover Madeira in a way that few others can. One waterfall took us 6 months to discover in an area known for waterfalls "off the beaten path". Of course, we check the weather forecast in the morning and keep an eye on the weather forecast. Anything can happen, nothing has to. If you want to take a day out, that's no problem at all. About the accommodation: Our accommodation will be the huge 400sqm² villa with 5000sqm² garden of Homeoffice Madeira. We have 7 rooms here and everyone has their own bed. (Depending on the number of participants, we reserve the right to adapt the accommodation. However, it will always be a beautiful house that we would choose ourselves for our vacation. So no worries please :) ) About the price: Such an adventure tour was mainly requested from the USA and usually costs around 3000 €. We wanted to make such a tour feasible for everyone and wanted a cool group of adventurers. Guided hiking weeks on Madeira usually cost at least twice as much, not to mention "off the beaten path" tours. Of course, we can't live on air and love either. So if you don't appreciate all the work behind such a trip, all the countless attempts to find new trails, all the hikes to find the best places, the cost of the house and the energy we put into these tours, then maybe we're not a good match. What's included: Twin room accommodation and an unforgettable experience. Everything else (food + 2 rental cars) we share relaxed at Splitwise. What's the schedule: We all meet on the day of arrival from 5 pm in the villa and discuss the next few days. Every day, after breakfast together, we set off on an unforgettable hiking tour. We do a total of 4-5 tours a week, so that we can also relax for a day or two (depending on the weather and intensity). Sunset, hidden local restaurants, the best insider tips and viewpoints, ... everything can be included, nothing has to be. It's a vacation and stress-free :-) Photos: many of the photos were taken by Jackson Groves from Journeyera. He was on Madeira Island for many month and explored most of the hikes with João or Marcio as his guide.
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9 Trips Completed

My name is Kiki and I'm here to share my love for the beautiful island of Madeira with you.

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Trip Itinerary

Ribeira do Inferno

Day 1-2
Ribeiro Frio hike. Easy one, get to know each other. Lunch in that Area (Faísca is good Restaurant there)... Without saying too much... You can enjoy the natural heritage of the island, since the trail is full of endemic species of regional flora and fauna. The magnificent vegetation fills the eyes and soul of the hikers, involving them in a peaceful environment. The shining sun infiltrates between the laurels and other plants of this area.


Day 2-3
The Pico do Alto ridge hike is one of the most incredible adventures on the north coast of Madeira Island. The ridge will test the vertigo of hikers while providing incredible views of Sao Jorge on one side of the ridge and Boaventura on the other side. The ocean and mountains combine to make this one of the most scenic trails on the island.


Day 3-4
A Ridge Hike that is totally off the beaten and unforgettable! We will conquer a ridge that was maybe used hundreds of years ago. I never met anyone there and the incredible north coast view and hidden path make this adventure UNFORGETTABLE!

Porto da Cruz

Day 4-5
Espigão Amarelo is one of my favorite coastal hikes on Madeira. It truly has it all. Beginning on the famous Vereda do Larano, this trail takes a secret detour up onto the gnarly ridge of Espigão Amarelo. This trail ended through some ‘Mars’ like landscapes with red rocky terrain but truly had it all from cloud forests, cliff-edge coastal views, and vast plains.


Day 5-6
A day for relaxing, sightseeing, maybe an island tour or ordering a physio ... Whatever, this is a free day and we can see how we would like to spend this day. We are happy to show you around the best spots or give some advices... Another option could be the famous and popular tour from peak to peak - see photo number 1. We will definitely choose the best options depending how everybody feels like.

Pico Ruivo

Day 6-7
It’s funny how tourism works. On one side of the road you have the ever-popular Pico to Pico hike and on the other you have a hidden and beautiful alternative hike. When I visited Pico Ruivo there were hundreds of tourists and when I walked our secret ridge, I saw not one person. What I’m trying to say to you here is, if you want a slice of tranquility make sure you end up on the correct side of the road.

Homeoffice Madeira | CoWorking + CoLiving

Day 7-8
The spacious and well-equipped villa of "Homeoffice Madeira" is our temporary home. Fiber optic internet, seven bedrooms (each with its own desk), a huge kitchen, large living & dining area, game room, sports room, 5000m² palm garden and many other amenities leave nothing to be desired. A super nice home for our hiking week!
Trip Summary
8 days trip
Ribeira do Inferno, Madeira, Boaventura & 5 more
Car, Trekking
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