Food and Jazz Festivals in Niš, Serbia

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Where can you combine a simple but tasty porridge and some of the best jazz musicians on the planet? A small city in the southeast of Serbia, of course! With a population of just over 250,000, Serbia's third-largest city is often overlooked by the capital city, Belgrade. But did you know that Niš's airport is cheaper and with direct flights to European cities, such as Vienna or Rome? Sometimes a one way flight can be as little as 20 euros! So what are you waiting for? Niš has been the home of Nišville for the past thirty years. Nišville, an adapted name from Nashville, has had some of the most renowned names in jazz and blues playing inside and around the Niš fortress. Over 2,000 or so people come per year. It is an event not to be missed. Before Nišville, we will go to a food festival called Belmuž festival. Belmuž, which means white husband, in English, is named as such because the porridge will become so thick that the head of household or the strongest man nearby will be the only one who can stir it. We will meet in our Niš accommodation, and stay there for the duration of the trip. We will have a shared flat. What we get depends on how soon we can book. I know 2 places that are 2 buildings right next to each other. All shared rooms (one hostel style with bunk beds) even if it is a flat. So I can take as many as 7-9 TripMates on this trip. And when we are not listening to music, there are plenty of things to see in and around Niš. My name is Jai, and it's an honor and privilege to be on this platform. I am now living my dream living overseas-short spurt in the Czech Republic and England, a year in Serbia, and now in Tbilisi, Georgia. I will be making trips around the world, stay tuned for themed trips, such as movies, music, food, and yoga retreats. Included - Accommodation 10 nights 11 days - Breakfast Not included - Admission tickets if applicable - Food unless otherwise mentioned - Transportation Let me know if you have a question using the Q&A function. See you in Serbia!
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I am Jai. Former IT. Trying now to travel and enjoy life while I still can.

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Trip Itinerary


Day 1-12
This is where our apartment/hostel will be. We will meet here the first day and this is also where Nišville will also be held. Actually, our bookings are in the city center, almost around the corner from the fortress.


Day 12
Svrljig is the village near Niš where the world-famous Belmuž was invented. Translated as "white husband", it is named so because a husband or strong man will only be able to stir it due to its thickness. Belmuž is made by melting a young cheese, no older than 2 days old. Then stir in either cornflour or wheat flour.

Nišville Jazz Festival

Day 12
For over thirty years, Niš has hosted big names in jazz, such as Grace Kelly and the Rosenberg Trio. And let's not forget Serbia's very own, Šaban Bajramović, who played until his death at this very festival. His statue now overlooks the fortress from across the river.
Trip Summary
Apartments & Hostel
12 days trip
Niš, Svrljig & 1 more
Train, Car
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