Travel to the Arctic Circle - Spitzbergen and Tromsø

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Are you ready for an arctic adventure? If you love nature and animals, love adventure and like to challenge yourself, this tour will be the adventure of a lifetime for you! We will meet in Tromsø and explore the city for some days. After that, we will fly to Longyearbyen to explore the arctic. I already included lots of activities for us, that don't require any previous experience, however, you need to be fit to join the trip. I’m Kathi, 26 years old and born in Austria. I already organized many JoinMyTrip group trips and it was always a lot of fun! Traveling is my passion and I truly enjoy planning trips. You can find all my trips when you click on my profile. Or read more about me here: With polar bears roaming around, you cannot leave the town of Longyearbyen alone, so we will always have a guide with us, to be safe. Due to that, and activities and accommodation being quite expensive, comes a high cost - but that's totally worth it, in my opinion! You can encounter polar bears anywhere in Svalbard all year round, however it's never guaranteed to see them, like with any other wildlife - we definitely need some luck! The price includes: - Accommodation (Guesthouse or Airbnb, shared rooms) - Ice Cave Hike - Snowmobile Tour - Entry to North Pole Expedition Museum - Wilderness experience or viewpoint hike - Glacier Tour by boat to Borebukta (visiting the walrus colony) - One additional tour, depending on availability and weather (Barentsburg or Pyramiden) - Trip planning and packing list - Travel Insurance for Austrian and German residents If more than 3 TripMates join, the price will also include: - Cable car to the viewpoint in Tromsø Not included: Personal expenses, flights, food etc. See you! :)
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4.87 basierend auf 136 Bewertungen


Ich hatte unheimlich viel Spaß auf dieser Reise. Kathi hatte sie so gut organisiert und sie war sehr informativ über die Stadt. Ich freue mich schon darauf, bald wieder mit ihr zu verreisen😊
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Tag 1-2
Our meeting point will be in Tromsø - depending on everyone's arrival time, we can already explore the city. We will have our first dinner together and get to know each other. Let's discuss the adventure that awaits all of us!


Tag 2-3
Our first day in Tromsø will be all about exploring the city. We can decide together what to visit, there are some nice museums as well. I would love to go to a viewpoint - we can either hike up to Fjellheisen or just take the cable car if we don't feel like hiking.


Tag 3-4
We will fly together to Longyearbyen, Spitzbergen where we will live for the rest of our trip in a typical, cozy wooden house. We will settle in and plan our upcoming days together. Due to the weather, the order of activities might change, but we will try to do all of them. We will get some groceries, maybe a bottle of wine, and have a nice evening together in our new home. Don't forget to pack your warmest clothes! I will provide you will a packing list before the trip.


Tag 4-5
Today we will stay in Longyearbyen, walking around this beautiful town, taking pictures and visit the North Pole Expedition Museum. We will also visit Svalbard Church, the world’s northernmost church. We should also visit some of the shops, as Svalbard is a duty-free zone and lower tax-free prices apply. It's possible to find great prices on outdoor clothing and equipment. You will also have the chance to buy iceberg water! It is gathered from the fjords of Svalbard and bottled in Longyearbyen. The Svalbarði Polar Iceberg Water lets you bring home a unique piece of Svalbard while helping preserve the arctic. Each bottle sold funds greenhouse gas reducing projects that help save 100 kg of the arctic ice cap.


Tag 5-6
Despite being part of the Arctic desert, Svalbard has a remarkably abundant wildlife. On this boat trip around the archipelago, we will explore all aspects of what makes Svalberg unique, from its ancient glaciers and year-long snow-covered landscapes, to its two tonne mammals and fast-flapping puffins. Our trip begins with crossing the beautiful Isfjord North-bound towards Borebukta. Our boat is comfy, closed, dry and heated, with a panoramic view, and including a bar and lavatories for your comfort. The many birds that nest along the coast of Svalbard will follow us as we glide across the icy waters, and the guides will try to point out all the different breeds as we sail along. We will then arrive at the Walrus colony's favorite beach. On a regular day, it's possible to find between 10 and 30 walruses chilling by the water, basking in the sun, snacking on clams and fighting over the best sunbathing spots. We will dock and stand quietly on the beach as we observe them. Make sure to bring your camera to get the best shots of these funny and fascinating animals! Once back onboard, we will have lunch and head towards the Bore glacier, a stunning wall of blue ice that towers over floating icebers, bergabits and growlers. If we are lucky, we may even see the glacier as it is "calving", dropping massive pieces of ice onto the front. After a tour of the glacier, we will head back to port at Longyearbyen.


Tag 6-7
Did you ever drive a snow mobile? Let's try it together! The perfect trip through the majestic nature to the East Coast and see amazing sights like icebergs, old trappers’ huts, glacier termini and Arctic animal life Svalbard’s glaciers contain countless passages formed by the melted waters, leading to fascinating ice caves. Luckily for us, it’s possible to visit some of these. We will combine our snow mobile tour with a visit to the cave, or do it separately.


Tag 7-8
Depending on availability, we will do a boat tour to Barentsburg or visit Pyramiden. Both places are fascinating ghost towns! During the 80s there lived over 1000 people in the mining town of Pyramiden, a town founded by Sweden in 1910 and later sold to the Soviet Union in 1927. To get to this place, we will book a guided tour, as it's the only possible safe way.


Tag 8-9
We will have one day as a "buffer" in case one of our activities has to be postponed due to the weather - so we don't miss out on anything. After all, we most likely will only visit this place once in our lives. If everything goes according to plan, it's up to you what to do! For example, you can go on a dog sledding tour and meet cute huskies. If you're into beer, you can visit a brewery. The Svalbard Brewery was established in 2011 and served its first beers to locals and visitors in August 2015. We can also do a tour to a coal mine! During this tour, we will experience the life of a miner and explore equipment and machinery from Gruve 3’s days of production.


Tag 9
Time to say goodbye! Depending on everyone's departure time, we can have breakfast or lunch together. For sure, we will not miss out on trying some traditional cuisine! Today will take our flight back home, and hopefully we will see each other again on another trip.
Appartement & Bed & Breakfast
9 Tage Trip
Tromsø, Tromsø & 7 weitere
Trekking, Plane, Car, Boat
Fragen und Antworten

Hallo Katharina. Ich interessiere mich für dieses Unterfangen. sechzig Jahre alt, empfiehlst du? Ich... Mehr Informationen

Hallo! Könntest du diese Reise bitte mögen/speichern, damit ich dir eine private Nachricht schicken kann? :) Für mich ist das kein Problem, aber bedenke, dass der Rest der Gruppe aus jüngeren Leuten b... Mehr Informationen

Hallo Katharina! Ist die Anzahlung für diese Reise nicht erstattungsfähig? Ich bin daran interessier... Mehr Informationen

Hallo :) Wenn du nicht mitfahren kannst, werde ich versuchen, einen Ersatz für TripMate zu finden und kann dir das Geld zurückerstatten! Du kannst mehr darüber auf der JMT-Website unter "Stornierungsr... Mehr Informationen

Hallo Katharina, ist das Datum sicher, oder kann das variieren wegen Flugzeiten etc.? In dem Preis s... Mehr Informationen

Hallo :) danke für dein Interesse! Das Datum steht fest, da sich bereits einige Leute angemeldet haben. Schau dir die Reisebeschreibung an, um zu sehen, was alles enthalten ist. Ob du ein Visum brauch... Mehr Informationen

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