Plan your trip, take other travelers with you and earn money while traveling
Why to plan your trip
No matter when or where, you can create your trip in JoinMyTrip, we will share it with our +150.000 community members, who would request to join, chat with them, select your travel mates, go on an amazing experience and get paid to travel
We support you
Creating and sharing your trip its really easy! You just have to select your destination, the stops of your trip, the number of travelers you want to travel with, the trip costs and the fee you want to charge to plan the trip. And don't worry, our team will support you in any stage if you need us
Plan your trip in 3 easy steps
Plan and create your trip
Create your trip in our platform. Add your destination, stops, transportation between stops, accommodation and number of travelers you want to travel with.
Plan average travel costs
Planning the transportation between stops, accommodation and activities, plan the expected travel costs your trip, and let your potential travel buddies how much is the expected budget.
Choose travel mates
The members of our community will request to join your trip, chat with your potential travel mates and select with whom you want to travel with. Once you select them, they will pay you for the organization through our different paymnet emthods

Thomas traveled around the world 1 year for free!
All he did, was planning his trips, and taking interested travel buddies with him.
He did a world trip and shared small parts of his journey in our platform, found travelers for each of his journeys and fund his whole world trip
Discovering Asia, Australia road-trip, unique South America expedition, in each of his trip stages he found unique travelers, who payed him for planning the trip, they found an incredible trip to join and he found travel buddies and earned money just by planning
Payments made simple
Plan expected expenses
While planning your trip, plan all the expected expenses (accomodation, transportation between stops, activities...) and make a calculation
Choose travel mates
Receive requests and chat with potential travel mates, select with whom you want to travel with and they will pay you for planning the trip
Pay low fees
There's no cost to sign up and create your trip. We will charge a fee of 5% per reservation. (based on the total cost of the trip)
Get paid quickly
Once your travel buddies and trip details are confirmed we will send your money by Paypal, direct deposit, or other available methods.
"Planing and sharing my travel plans helped me to fund them, and to travel around the world as much as I wanted, just by planning"

Anna tripleader from Germany

Travelers like you, worldwide
How much can I earn by sharing my trip ?