Sweden Camping and hiking the Skåneleden

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My name is Jai, and I am new to camping, and Scandinavia is one of my top destination aspirations to camp. In Scandinavia, camping is a way of life, not seen as a privilege for just a few. The Skåneleden trail is around 1300 kilometres of pure nature bliss in the south of Sweden. The trail is split into several different sections, making it easier to hike in separate visits. We will meet in Stockholm and spend the first night there. We will get to know each other and explore Stockholm. There are plenty of museums there too, such as Nobel Museum. The next day, we will take a train to Hovdala, a castle from the 12th century, when this region was a part of Denmark. Prior to the trip, I will make a WhatsApp group so we can plan what routes are interesting to take. Included in the price: - Trip organizing fee - Tent rental - Breakfast in Stockholm We will share food. Although there are restaurants near the trails, I would like to have campfires when we camp. We will need to pick up camping gear at a rental place in Stockholm, as well as pick up camping food prior to leaving Stockholm. Let me know if you have any questions, feel free to ask me any details!
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I am Jai. Former IT. Trying now to travel and enjoy life while I still can.

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Tag 1-2
We will meet here if everyone is flying to Stockholm airport. Otherwise, we can meet in Malmo. We will take a train when we collect everyone. We will go to a 12th-century castle. All hiking and camping will be done spread out from the castle.


Tag 2-4
Hovdala is a fortress from the 12th century when this part of Sweden was under Danish rule. We can look around here, but we cannot camp here. This will just be the starting point. Hiking trails are all around.

Nobel Prize Museum

Tag 4
The Nobel Museum tells the life of Alfred Nobel. It also tells information and the history of the prize itself, including who won it throughout the years. The museum is in the former Stockholm Stock Exchange and also houses the Swedish Academy, which is the body that presents the winner with the Nobel Prize.
4 Tage Trip
Stockholm, Hovdala & 1 weitere
Train, Trekking
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