Stuttgart Oktoberfest Festival in Germany

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We all know that Munich is home to Oktoberfest. But did you know that the second biggest beer festival is held in Stuttgart at the same time? Cannstatter Volksfest is big, yet still local enough that tents have been owned by the same family for generations, and people have pledged alliegance to going to the same tent yearly for as long as they can remember. My name is Jai, and in 2001, I did go to Oktoberfest in Munich. It was a very crazy time, and back then, there was a balance between crazy Germans and tourists alike. Sadly now, Oktoberfest is mainly too touristy. So I invite you to come to Stuttgart for some old school beer drinking vibes with me! We will stay on a hostel with shared rooms. This way, we can spend more money on drinking and sightseeing and think less about comfort. But do not worry. Staying in a hostel is also a great way to meet people outside of our group too. The more the merrier, especially during beer festivals! I am still trying to find out how tickets work. For this reason, ticket prices are not included in the cost of this trip. It will also allow freedom for those who do not want to go to the festival every day to make their own choices too. And then if you want to go everyday, you can be free to do so. Outside of the festival, we will be sightseeing around Stuttgart and enjoying local food. Of course, we will drink more beer. There is a palace in the city center, and we can atleast walk around outside. If we want to go inside, tickets will cost extra. What is included in the price? - Accommodation (Shared rooms) - Breakfast Not included: - Festival tickets - Museum tickets - food and drink unless specified Are you ready for Oktoberfest? Join M Trip! Looking forward to meeting you in Germany. Any questions please check the Q&A section and I will come back to you, later we can set a call and see if everything from the trip fits your expectation and if we are a great fit for the group to travel in Germany!
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I am Jai. Former IT. Trying now to travel and enjoy life while I still can.

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Tag 1-7
This is the capital of the Baden-Wurtemberg state. We will stay in a hostel here so we can easily explore and go to Volksfest. We will walk around, go to museums, go to Volksfest, as well as local bars to drink other beers. We will also eat local food.

History Museum Württemberg

Tag 7
This museum tells the anthropology history of the Wurtenberg region from the very beginning. There are also many priceless artifacts to learn from and see. These artifacts include pottery and clothes of royalty just to name a few.

Cannstatter Volksfestverein e.V.

Tag 7
The beer fest that is second largest only to the Oktoberfest in Munich. You know exactly what we will do here! But besides beer and food, there are rides and games when we are not drinking and socializing with locals. Maybe we will even have our favorite beer tent to go to again and again?
7 Tage Trip
Stuttgart, History Museum Württemberg & 1 weitere
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