Exploring Morocco Like a Local: SURFING 🏄🏾, SAHARA 🐪 AND SUN ☀️!

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Hi fellow Morocco dreamers, This is a relatively short trip to my so far most favourite solo travel destination, and I am excited to arrange it and share it with you! Update: The iterenary has been discussed and slightly changed. Warning: Half of the trip is laid back and half would be a bit intense. The best time to visit Morocco is ANYTIME! So I am setting up THREE trips in 2024: check out my other trips with different trip lengths and contents. About me: I'm Nasiba, 31, from Germany and Uzbekistan. I have been travelling a lot?: mainly Caucasus region, Iran, and Central Asia. (Shared trips to one of these regions are yet to come!) and I KEEP FALLING IN LOVE with travelling. My style is to be sustainable while travelling, so we will be taking shared/public transportation as much as possible, or we share Moroccan Taxis! The cost of the trip includes all the accommodation, assumed costs of transportation, and a trip to Sahara. Everything else, I will not constrain you, and we can wing it! For the "winging part", we will do some group expenses sharing which I'll set up. We'll have the following route: Here are some of the experiences we will explore together: - We will start our trip at the center of Amazigh(Berber) culture and agricultural heaven Agadir: meaning lots of argan oil and co! - Explore magical Taghazout and try surfing at one of the world's best surfing spots(seriously, it is a host to world championships in surfing)! - We will head out to Marrakech, this would be out enroute stop to Sahara. We'll having the whole evening and early noon to see a bit of the city. Intense and highly adventurous days start here: - After Marrakech we will continue to Ourzazate: an Oasis in the heart of Sahara: we will do our Sahara activities from here. - End our trip at Marrakesh, if given time explore it more. When I don't specify the trip costs like the surfing trip, it means it's super optional(and not expensive anyway), hence can be skipped or alternated. Most important thing is to be able to afford a great accomodation and hang out together at the major outings, cook sometimes together and be for each other while making epic memories! I will have some other Morrocan trips posted here, stay tuned!

I am most of the time solo female traveller who loves to explore "off the beaten" paths and dive into local ecosystems. I visited Morocco in 2022 alone, and I fell in love with culture, food, people, language, nature. It's the country that made me curious in Arabic language! I have been travelling since 2015 and some of my favourite solo trips have been to Iran, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Israel, and Morocco.

Details about the accommodation: There'll be 2 bases: Taghazout - the surfing paradise, and Marrakesh. In Taghazout, we'll stay at Surf houses about 200m from the beach, everyone will have their own double room(if possible) and a beautiful big common terrace. There're also home-made amazigh breakfasts included. In Marrakesh, I booked a riad/villa with seperate bedrooms(also double beds) and a private pool with walking distance to city center.

Was ist inbegriffen?
Transportation when travelling together
Some breakfasts when included in accom.
Adventures with Amazigh shepherds
Welcome dinner & food/drink in Sahara
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5 basierend auf 2 Bewertungen


Die Reise mit Nasiba war fantastisch. Sie ist sehr freundlich, selbstbewusst und macht eine Menge Spaß. Wir haben einige tolle Orte gesehen und sie hat uns auch abseits der Hauptrouten geführt, um die lokale Kultur zu erkunden. Sie ist offen für Vorschläge und sorgte dafür, dass jeder die Reise genießen konnte. Außerdem ist sie klug und kennt sich in verschiedenen Bereichen gut aus. Sie ist definitiv eine gute Wahl, wenn du etwas mehr als nur Sightseeing suchst.
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Tag 1
We'll start our trip from the agricultural capital of Morroco and such an underrated gem - Agadir! Optimally your flight back should be from this city, or calculate half a day to get to Marrakech if there are better connections. Let's spend the day in Agadir exploring the largest souk of the country and the Amazigh cultural capital of Morroco!


Tag 1-3
Next, we'll take the speed bus or share a taxi together or try the public bus (in my experience, it was the most authentic way to see Morrocan way of life) to the surfing paradise, fishing village and rising tourist hotspot of Taghazout. This is the place where I learned surfing for like 8 dollars a day everything included. Don't worry if you are not into surfing, there are plenty of other activities or just relaxing here would be a great start of our trip! We will stay at surfing houses here (with everyone having their own private room) and indulge ourselves in fresh seafood and fresh/organic everything since would be still in agricultural capital - Agadir's village.


Tag 3-4
Next we will visit Marrakesh where most of the international airports have connection. It's also the most famous city of Morroco. Marrakesh is a chaos, overcrowded with both tourists and locals coming from all corners of Morroco. Everything is way more expensive than it is in other souks of the country. But it is considered to be the party capital of the country with the best artists coming together in this town. The nights can get quite jazzy and merry!


Tag 4-5
Let's base ourself in Ourzazate and take a Sahara trip! We will stay at a villa with a private pool in the middle of the desert :) From here, we can take multiple trips around: to Marrakech, Merzouga... It will be desertic and we will have plenty of sandy activities to take up: camel riding, staying with Berber shepherds in Sahara, sand surfing, just hiking around in oases... This town has also been part of movie sets for several Holywood movies including the Lawrence of Arabia, so it's authentically magical town. Please arrange your flight back from Marrakesh or calculate half a day to travel to other city airports.


Tag 5-6
Our Sahara camping will happen here: we'll be transferred first via car and then camels to bedouin camps and stay there overnight! It's a truly "out of comfort zone" experience but totally unique(unless I guess you visit Algier from the other side...) The rest of the trip will happen in the reverse order up to Marrakesh where we'll depart back to our homes!
6 Tage Trip
Agadir, Taghazout & 3 weitere
Fragen und Antworten

Hallo Nasiba, schade, dass die Marokko-Tour schon ausgebucht ist. Gibt es noch eine Chance, dabei zu... Mehr Informationen

Hallo Flavia, vielen Dank für deine Frage und dein Interesse! Das ist wirklich cool, dass du nach Usbekistan gereist bist. Ich wäre neugierig, deine Eindrücke zu erfahren. Du wärst bei meinen zukünfti... Mehr Informationen

Danke für deine Antwort. Ich habe noch eine Frage: Sollen wir in Agadir ankommen und auch von dort a... Mehr Informationen

Ich schicke dir eine Nachricht mit mehr Details 😊 Aber es wird wahrscheinlich Agadir als Ankunftsstadt und Marrakesch als Abfahrtsstadt sein.

Hallo Nasiba. Deine Reisebeschreibung hat mir sehr gut gefallen und ich habe mich gefragt, wie schwi... Mehr Informationen

Hallo, danke für deine Frage! Keineswegs, letztes Jahr musste ich das Visum mit meinem usbekischen Pass nehmen und es kostete mich 75 Eur und 1 Tag! Das war eine Expressoption. Und es war alles digit... Mehr Informationen

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