Explore the Best of Madrid with a Captivating Day Trip to Toledo

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Was ist das Besondere?
special Day trip to Toledo
special Picnic in a park with 15,000 trees
special Day trip to Segovia
Let's enjoy Madrid before the tourist season officially starts. Prices will be cheaper and the weather will not be as hot as what it can be in the middle of summer. We will get a hostel in Madrid and we will stay there for 6 nights. We will take a day trip to Toledo to see some of the architecture and what about the history there.

About me! My name is Jai, travel is my life ever since I was a kid. I was in Madrid and Toledo in 1994 on a school trip, and I would really like to revisit with some new people. So far I have been to over 30 countries. I am American but I have been living abroad for 5 years. I love to learn about other cultures, history, languages, and, of course, food.

Details about the accommodation: We will get a hostel with shared accommodation in the form of bunk beds. If you want a private room, please let me know so I can make the appropriate adjustments for you. Also, if you need to be in the bottom bed and not the top, please let me know ahead of time so I can tell the hostel to make sure that something is available. Because it is hostile, we may not have a kitchen but I will try to get us a kitchen so we can have at least breakfast at the hospital. And we can cook other meals if we want to. Let me know if you have any questions in the Q&A section! We can always set up a call to make sure this trip fits your expectations!

Was ist inbegriffen?
Accommodation (Shared rooms)
Transportation to and from Toledo
Transportation to and from Segovia
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I am Jai. Former IT. Trying now to travel and enjoy life while I still can.

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Tag 1-7
We will stay in a hostel in the city of Madrid for the duration of our stay. Every day we will explore something new, including taking day trips. We will eat local food and drink at cafes and restaurants unless we get a kitchen at a hostel where we have the option of cooking.

Plaza de Cibeles

Tag 7
Plaza de Cibeles is known for it's amazing architectural sites. One of the most visually appealing buildings is the Banco de Espana. They started building it in 1884, built different sections of it throughout the years in order to expand, with its final expansion being in 1975. It is where Spain's Central Bank is located, as well as a lot of gold. There is also a former post office that is now the city hall that has a clock tower. The Parque de Retiro is one of the most famous parks in the city. If you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, this is the perfect place because you will be surrounded by 15,000 trees. If it is possible, it sounds like a great idea to have a picnic there. There are other architectural delights in this area like a glass Dome. With so much to do and see here, it may take up an entire day and itself.

Plaza Mayor

Tag 7
Plaza Mayor has changed its purpose in the city many times throughout history, but it's still remains to be the most important public place in Madrid. It was once the home of executions, and then it was known as the place where all of the public bazaars happened. Now the area is decorated with cafes and restaurants.

Temple of Debod

Tag 7
For those of us who will not make it to Egypt anytime soon, Spain is giving us a little bit of Egypt in one of their parks. This is an old Temple from Egypt that was rebuilt in Spain in the 1960s because they were afraid that the original would be destroyed by the construction of a dam. It is best to visit this during the sunset because of the views.


Tag 7
We will get up early and take a train to the city of Spain's historic capital is so well preserved that it has no modern buildings. . When the Christians took over Spain, they made Toledo their capital. With Rome fell, it remained to be the capital until it ran out of space for a thriving population because of its river water not allowing for expansion. So in the 1500s, the king moved the capital to Madrid. In the 700s, the Moors conquered Spain. For a while there was peaceful coexistence between Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Some Moor Craftsman even built a synagogue in the Arabic style. It has since been converted to a church. We can also be sure to get some famous marzipan here in one of the many shops that sell it.


Tag 7
We will take a day trip to this little town Northwest of Madrid. It has an old Roman aqueduct. It also has a lot of history because this area was influenced by the Moors and you can see that any architecture. There is also a lot of Jewish history here, including that of a Jewish rabbi who was forced to convert to Christianity in order to not be expelled from the country in 1492. We will end the trip by going to a restaurant and have a famous dish of suckling pig. But we will also order tapas and other local dishes so we can have everything family style.
7 Tage Trip
Madrid, Plaza de Cibeles & 4 weitere
Trekking, Plane, Train
Was ist nicht inbegriffen?
Food and drink not specified
Souvenirs and personal items
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